Sunday, April 3, 2011


What could have been, we will never really know.

We can only assume, after seeing a glimpse of art from one of the greatest artists who ever lived.

Can we forget all the troubles that come along with being a genius and only see the genius for just that?
Can we give him a last chance to be remembered for what he gave us that no one else could do?
Many would say yes, yet some still say no.

Maybe he knew his time would come to an end before he could grow old, and see his children grow up, like every parents dream.
Maybe he knew the only way to ‘redeem’ his rumoured sins, was to go out with a bang, rather than slowly fade away.

And that is exactly what he did.

No one got to experience his return to greatness (apart from some very lucky musicians, dancers, stage technicians and cameramen).
But he gave us a preview, and that was enough.

A voice that hypnotises, dance moves that stop you in your tracks, and the aura of a inspiring individual.

Who what have thought that this was the same man, who less than a year before, was frail, weak, pale and the target of major media scrutiny and turmoil.

But after seeing the footage, no one can deny that this artist had returned to his best. After seeing the footage, no one would have expected his death.

This is it, gives us a final chance to remember, a glimpse at what once was, what could have been and what was in the making.

This is it, gave us Michael Jackson at his best.

And that really is it.

Amy McKinnon – 05/12/2009

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